John Scott Martin RBA PRSMA


After graduating from the Nottingham College of Art in graphics and printmaking in the 1960s, John has always continued to draw believing that drawing formed not only the basis but also the most important element of his future work.

He ended a long career in graphics, printing, photography, and design management, returning to his first love, painting and printmaking. Initially images of Cornwall, particularly the landscape of West Penwith. At this time, he worked extensively with the National Trust on visual interpretation. He also worked on mining imagery in West Cornwall, experiencing at first hand conditions underground.

For the last fifteen years John has become increasingly drawn to sea, sail and ships. He is inspired by classic yachts, sailing barges and working boats encompassing craft of all shapes and sizes.

If they are on the sea they can be inspirational. Working from his own photographic imagery is a vital part of John’s creative process. His subjects are often on the move, therefore no time to sit and draw them. John lives and works in Warwickshire, about as far from the sea in England as you can get. So, many visits to the coast and also sailing. His experience at sea gives him the feel for his subject. “True understanding of the sea and ships can be best achieved by being afloat.”

John works in oils, acrylics, watercolour, pastels and inks.  Sometimes in the development of a work a mixture of media can be the result. John always tries to communicate his own personal impressions of light, atmosphere and sea conditions when painting a specific event. His own photographic references only providing him with the detail of his subject.  

In addition to his paintings and drawings of marine subjects John has produced a large range of mixed media linocuts. He prints onto collages of handmade papers; this means that each print is in itself a one off original.

John’s paintings and prints are on show in ten galleries throughout the UK. Additionally, his work is in collections in Europe, Scandinavia and the USA. His work is on show regularly at the Royal Birmingham Society of Artists gallery where John was President of the Society.

In October 2020, John was elected President of the Royal Society of Marine Artists. 

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