Boat, ship and yacht portraits

Sea Witch by Geoff Hunt.jpg

Whether you are looking for a depiction of a famous ship in maritime history or a portrait of a privately owned yacht, cruise ship or oil tanker, we have a specialist marine painter or sculptor for the job. You might even be looking for an artist to document a race or regatta - we can help with that too. Start by getting in contact so that our consultants can present you with a portfolio of potential artists. 


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Read about recent projects by our artists below.

Hellespont Shipping

An entire fleet of oil tanker portraits commissioned for boardrooms around the world.

Geoff Hunt

Geoff Hunt PPRSMA talks about his historical depiction of the famous naval battle in Calabrian waters.

Sea Witch by Geoff Hunt

Geoff Hunt PPRSMA talks about painting the American clipper Sea Witch in Hong Kong’s 19th Century port.

Regatta in Colour

Peter Graham ROI talks about documenting Henley Regatta in paint

Old Harry Rocks

Jenny Morgan RSMA brings to life an 18th century maritime scene 

The Great Britain Clipper

Jenny Morgan RSMA paints the GB Clipper as a special present for a member of its crew

HMS Blencathra

Paul Wright RSMA's commission to paint the warship on which his client's father served as a radio operator

Geoff Hunt ship artwork

How Geoff Hunt's commission to paint the Temeraire being towed from the Battle of Trafalgar inspired new paintings for the RSMA annual exhibition

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