Adam Ralston ROI
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I prefer to paint from life, with my main interest being plein air and still life in oils. Plein air works are mainly small and sometimes completed in one go, but often need more sessions. Urban street scenes interest me, but I’m equally happy capturing a busy beach scene. I rarely tickle these paintings in the studio and prefer the rough edged finish when working in situ. I think I naturally see the colour first and try hard to keep to the tones which I find the hardest. The drawing can go off a little especially working quicker outdoors, but I’m more interested in getting an impression of what’s in front of me. I’m not afraid of paint and keep everything loose and always open to change.
In comparison, my still life work is a much slower process. They can be set up or found. My foundation years were very much focused on measured drawing, which I still sometimes use with still life. I find it easier to work on a larger scale painting still life, as the environment and working process feels much more under control.
My work can be seen as quirky in its style of painting.