Ann Heat RBA


Still-life is my first love, cracked cups and bits of junk being my most prized possessions, but having the cows outside my window, I cannot resist the shapes they form through the day, as the light changes. Also I am interested in figures within interiors.


I work in oil paint, either on a gesso panel or a support I prepare by sticking linen on to hardboard and making a covering emulsion from Titanium White powder, rabbit skin glue, egg, linseed oil and water. Once the painting is started the oil paint is used thinly and built up in layers. The under-painting shows through in places and the combination of the top colour and the one underneath is intended to create harmonies. The colours used may sometimes be complementary, such as a rusty hue under green, they are not bright colours, so this will not result in the dramatic effect, that say Cadmium Red under Viridian would have. I love the effect that a good scrape down with a palette knife gives the picture. I sometimes leave parts like this while other areas are built up with touches of colour.


1945 Born in Esher, Surrey

Studied Technical Illustration at Kingston School of Art and the London College of Printing

Studied Art at the Kathleen Browne School of Painting

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