Brian Smith RI


I am trying to put a twist on a subject that may initially appear ordinary. Light selection creates atmosphere to explain my narrative. Simplify the image to three or four collective tonal shapes creates focus. Plein Air, sketch book or my own reference are starting points. Suggest and imply, let the viewer have input.


In 1978, I went freelance after 8 years under the wing of experienced artists. I shared a room with 4 other artists and first encountered the wonderful work of John Blockley who left an indelible mark on me. Watercolour enthralled me and he showed the scope that set me on my path. Soho was my base for 20 years before moving to Eastbourne on the South Coast with my wife Chris and 3 children to run a residential painting school from our home for the next 14 years. In 1995, when the nest was empty, we continued our adventure on Menorca in the Balearic Islands until returning to the UK in 2010.

I am based in Malmesbury, Wiltshire and have a studio near my home besides running workshops and demonstrations around the UK as well as tutoring at West Dean College, West Sussex and Higham Hall in the Lakes.

I am inspired by people going about their daily lives usually within an architectural setting.

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