Carry Akroyd SWLA
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Carry Akroyd's work is about landscape, usually the intensively cultivated arable farmland, where she focuses on the wildlife surviving on the margins.
Akroyd's starting point is direct drawing in the landscape, though her work usually explores colour. She is primarily a printmaker, mostly with screen-printing. Akroyd combines mono-printing methods and photo stencils to test the dynamic between planned intentions and spontaneous reactivity in building up an image; the interface between the deliberate, the impulsive and the accidental. She changes media regularly to keep her practice fresh, painting and drawing with a variety of materials and ventures into other forms of printmaking such as etching and relief printing. She usually has a number of works on the go at once, and is only really happy when there is a ‘queue’ of ideas. She has done some illustration work, mostly with linocuts, and only does commissions if it is something that she is really interested in doing.