Charles Williams NEAC


The great English illustrators, Keane, Shephard, Searle, Giles, inspire Charles as much as the great painters, but Renoir’s Luncheon Of The Boating Party, Watteau’s shop sign for Gersaint, Hopper’s Gas Station, Spencer’s Swan Upping At Cookham, Hogarth’s Modern Midnight Conversation, or Maddox Brown’s Last Of England are works that define him.


Charles works from his imagination. There are no sketches, photographs, working drawings or any other paraphernalia to slow him down, fascinated though he is by other artists’ drawings. Charles works mainly in oil and watercolour, because his paintings can take years to finish and these mediums allow development. He tends to work on his own projects, which evolve as they go along, but is quite happy receive commissions.


1965 Born in Evanston, Ill. USA

1984-5 Canterbury Tech

1985-9 Maidstone College of Art, BA (Hons) Fine Art

1989-92 Royal Academy Schools, RAS Certificate in Painting (MA equivalent)Cert. Ed (FE)

1994 Curated ‘Painting’ at Greenwich Theatre Gallery

1996 Curated ‘Diverse’ Herbert Read Gallery, Canterbury

1996 Elected to the NEAC

1999 Invited to join Stuckists (Resigned 2005)

1996-2000 Lecturer in Drawing at National Film and TV School, Beaconsfield (Postgraduate level)

1996-2001 Occasional Lecturer in Fine Art, KIAD

1996-2003 Lecturer in Fine Art, Kent Adult Education Service

2000-present Lecturer at NEAC School of Drawing

2006-lecturer in Fine Art, Canterbury College

2007 Elected Associate Member of the RWS

I have been on the committee of the NEAC since 1999, and am currently the Exhibitions Officer.


Royal Watercolour Society (RWS)

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