Cheryl Culver PPPS RBA


Cheryl is a landscape painter because the countryside is the place where she feels most at ease. She does feel it is possible to have a spiritual connection with the natural world, and she hopes that her paintings reflect this. Cheryl's work has always been about ‘how it feels’ rather than ‘how it looks’.

It is good to be humbled by nature and what better than a vast and powerful landscape or a mighty oak tree to do just that. Mankind needs to learn his place in the grand scheme of things. We have an amazing world around us, which survives in spite of all we do to destroy it. If one painting can communicate some of this magic, then a miracle has occurred. On another level, the natural world has its own symmetry. To Cheryl, as an artist, it is a matter of following the rules of that symmetry, and the painting will create its own conviction without the aid of photographic realism.

To draw the landscape is the point of contact. It is the most important part of the process --- the catalyst for the final work.


Cheryl works from sketches made in marker pen. The use of a pen is deliberate, as it gives a stronger image to work from allowing bold dark areas to be emphasised. She prefers to work from drawings, as the selective process is already underway in the decision to make the drawing in the first place. It eliminates the tangle of information a photograph can give. It focuses on what is important making the picture stronger. She also prefers to work in the studio, this gives the painting its own identity not confused by the weather and logistics of working out of doors. Cheryl works in pastel on a primed board surface. This is her favourite medium and surface it has an immediacy and toughness which allows the battle to be fought.

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