Chris Sinden SWLA


After gaining an Honours Degree in Graphic Design, Chris followed a 30 year career as an art director working in advertising agencies in London and in Norway. 

 “It was during a period of unemployment (while living in Søgne, Norway) that I taught myself linocutting. My early prints were of local landscapes, but my notoriety took off when I turned my hand to quirky humour. In 2004 two of my Dirty Habit prints were selected to hang in Sørlandsutstillingen, the annual exhibition that toured Southern Norway... and I became its most sold artist”.

Chris returned to the UK in 2005, settling in the Forest of Dean, and it’s here that he began to develop his passion for wildlife subjects. 

 “While some of my linocuts have a more conventional format, I have developed a collage-style of printing where smaller images butt up against each other to make a larger final picture. By using slightly unmatched colours and details and working to an irregular shaped format my linocuts take on a collage-style appearance. 

Although these prints often take a long time to plan and print I feel that I am working at my best when using this complicated approach”.

Chris has exhibited his linocuts with the Society every year since 2007 and in 2015 he gained full Membership.

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