David Brammeld PS RBA


Urban and Natural Landscapes

For many years David has been documenting the ever-changing post-industrial landscape of his native Stoke-on-Trent. He explores the character, texture, and fascinating detail of the vernacular architecture - old factories and terraced housing. Armed with camera and sketchbook he seeks out forgotten, neglected spaces. Later in the studio he develops these images and works them into paintings.

By way of contrast to this rugged, gritty subject matter, David also enjoys the beauty of the natural landscape - exploring shape, texture, form and subtle colour. He prefers late autumn, winter or early spring seasons when trees are devoid of leaves to expose their raw beauty and character. He aims to instil a feeling of what it is like to be immersed in such countryside - suggesting a sense of solitude, quietness and of being immersed in nature.

Always keen to push his work forward, to challenge himself and to keep his approach fresh, David often works on several pieces at a time, and in a variety of different mediums (graphite, pastel, acrylic or oil) appropriate to the subject and the feeling he wants to evoke - each piece informing the others. He loves to work spontaneously and directly.


I like to explore and seek out areas of interest: these may be industrial sites or just interesting buildings with character. I am always on the lookout for subject matter so always have camera or sketchbook to record. I then seek to develop my technique (in the studio) through continual study and processing a variety of imagery.

Drawing is a very important part of my practice and I will often produce finished as well as preparatory drawings which may then develop further into paintings. Materials I favour are graphite, pastel, acrylic or occasionally mixed media. I would like to develop more work in oil too.

Much of the work is in series but also works individually. I am fascinated by architectural features - worn, broken, faded and crumbling; as well as old signage and the different uses that buildings are subjected to.


David lives and works in Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire, where he has witnessed and documented some of the many changes to this post-industrial landscape.

A prize-winning artist of many years experience, David has exhibited regularly at the Mall Galleries since 2002 and became an elected Member of the Royal Society of British Artists in 2014, a Member of the Pastel Society in 2017. He is also a Member of the Royal Birmingham Society of Artists since being elected in 2010.

He was Guest of Honour at the Pastellistes de France Annual Exhibition held in Feytiat, near Limoges, France in 2017.

He runs a series of art classes, as well as workshops and demonstrations.

Biographical Details

• Based in Staffordshire, England, UK.

• BA (Hons) Fine Art, North Staffordshire University.

• 1983-2016 Established and developed Graphic Design and Publishing business

• 2000 Gained PGCE (MMU)

• 2000-2005 Lecturer in life drawing and painting at Newcastle College (Staffs)

• 2005–present. Established and developed series of tutored art classes and workshops

• 2009 Elected member of Royal Birmingham Society of Artists (RBSA)

• 2014 Elected Member Royal Society of British Artists (RBA)

• 2016 Elected Member of The Pastel Society UK (PS)

• 2017 Elected Member Société de Pastellistes de France (SPDF)


Royal Birmingham Society of Artists (RBSA) Elected 2009

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