Eric Waugh RI


From my first paintings at art school I have based all my artwork on subjects from the areas I have lived in. This has kept me with new inspiration and the challenge of new subject matter. The composition element is always different and is the essential basis of all my work. Major influences have been Edward Burra, Constant Permeke and the abstracts of Patrick Herron.


My method of working when I find a subject is to take photographs and make drawings and sketches. This is usually whilst I am painting finished works of previous ideas and it can be a long time before I transfer the ideas to pencil roughs. Again, there could be a long wait before I begin to paint new subject matter.I usually draw out the composition in watercolour pencils relating to the colour of the paintings but for the past few years I have used acrylics. This enables me to work in short bursts without the limitations of pure watercolours.At present I have 25 roughs ready to paint and I have started on four as I like to work on several at a time and in various stages of finish.The size of my paintings varies from quite small to large. 10x8 inches to 4x3 feet. These are paper on canvas.


1946-50 Croydon School of Art

1950-53 Royal College of Art

1954-85 Teaching post at Reigate School of Art, Head of Painting and Composition Department



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