Graham Webber ROI


Most of Graham Webber's paintings are conceived outside in front of the subject whether it is in the form of a plein air oil sketch or pen and ink drawing.

Gathering inspiration from the subject first hand is very important to Graham and helps to identify the essence of the work. His aim is to keep a fresh painterly quality, simplifying the landscape in oil paint. Placing colour and tones against each other, the shape of brush strokes and the paint surface are all as important to the painting as the subject itself.

Graham's inspiration comes from the landscape and coastline of East Anglia throughout the seasons.


Initially working outdoors, studies are brought back to the studio. Sometimes they work as finished paintings and other times they are worked into or used as reference for larger works.

Graham tends to work as quickly in the studio as outside trying to get an impression of the subject down and then concentrate on establishing what it is that first inspired him.


The Institute of East Anglian Artists (Associate)

The East Anglian Group of Marine Artists



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