Liz Balkwill PS


Liz Balkwill enjoy's painting the figure, capturing gesture and using colour to evoke mood.  No matter what the subject my main aim is to capture the way that light and shadow transforms everyday objects from the mundane to the beautiful. 


Liz Balkwill graduated from Norwich School of Art in 1980.  She has been working as a professional portrait painter for the past 15 years and has been gaining a steady reputation for her still-life paintings in both oils and pastel.

Balkwill graduated from Norwich School of Art in 1980.  She has been working as a professional portrait painter for the past 15 years and has been gaining a steady reputation for her still-life paintings in both oils and pastel.


Institute of East Anglia Artists (Full member since 2014)

Guild of Norwich Painters (Full member since 2013)

Armed Forces Art Society (Full member since 2010)

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