Richard Pikesley PPNEAC


For Richard, painting is a conversation with the visual world and starts with painting in front of the subject. It is always a matter of finding equivalents, in paint, for light and space and seeing the world ‘in paint’ continues to be an obsession.


Painting starts with an immediate response. Seeing perhaps an effect of light which really grabs Richard's attention. The first step will usually be a painting, made fast enough to get the moment down. After years of working with oil paint and watercolour, their familiarity means he can rely on working quite instinctively at this stage. The moment passes and Richard usually needs more information especially if he feel it could become a bigger painting. The next stage will often be to make a more considered drawing, which might take many hours. Bigger paintings might be started in the studio and when practical taken back to the location and completed on the spot.


1951 Born in London

1969 to 70 Harrow School of Art

1970 to 73 Canterbury College of Art, School of Fine Art

1973 to 74 University of London Institute of Education

1974 Elected member of New English Art Club

1997 Elected associate of Royal Watercolour Society

2000 Elected member of Royal Watercolour Society

Served for many years on Executive committee of New English Art Club and as President from 2013 to 2018


Royal Watercolour Society (RWS)

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