Robbie Murdoch ARSMA
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Robbie Murdoch was born in Birmingham in 1943 and now lives in Headley, Hampshire. He has always been passionate about drawing and painting plein air and whilst working in his profession as a dentist he concentrated on watercolour as he found it was the best medium to use when on holiday.
He started drawing and painting at school and continued whilst studying dentistry at Guy's Hospital and whilst travelling during holidays. After retiring from dentistry in 2008 he has been able to devote more time to his love of painting, and concentrates on oils rather than watercolours. He studied portraiture at the Heatherley School of Fine Art.
His objective is to reveal the beauty and atmosphere of a subject by paying particular attention to the light, composition and weather.
He has always had a close connection to water and boats and lived by the Thames for many years. He has sailed inshore and offshore for most of his life.