Friends £10 Off Voucher Terms and Conditions
1 This Voucher is valid until the date of expiry (see above), which is your annual renewal date.
2 Cannot be used in conjunction with other discounts/offers/promotions.
3 Can only be used for purchases in Mall Galleries’ Card shop.
4 By using this Discount Voucher you are accepting our terms and conditions. If you have any queries on these terms please contact us before using this Voucher.
5 The original Voucher must be surrendered at time of purchase of goods from the Bookshop (no photocopies, digital images or defaced Vouchers can be accepted) and can only be redeemed once.
6 There is no cash value associated with this Voucher: it is not exchangeable for cash and no cash or credit will be refunded if the full amount is not redeemed in one transaction.
7 If you cancel your membership for any reason before using the Voucher, the Voucher will be deemed invalid (the Voucher must be used whilst being a current Friend of Mall Galleries).
8 This Voucher is only offered and made available for the first time of signing up to payment by Direct Debit (should you cancel your Direct Debit and re-apply, you will not be eligible for another Voucher)
9 This Voucher is not replaceable if lost, stolen or damaged.
10 This Voucher remains the property of MG.
11 FBA, trading as Mall Galleries, reserves the right to amend the terms and conditions or withdraw this discount promotion at any time and without prior notice or warning.
References in these terms and conditions to ‘Mall Galleries’, ‘we’, ‘us’ or ‘our’, ‘MG’ or ‘FBA’ are references to Mall Galleries and / or the Federation of British Artists as applicable.
Registered address:
Mall Galleries, 17 Carlton House Terrace, London, SW1Y 5BD