Felicity House NEAC PS
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Felicity has loved drawing and painting from an early age, benefiting from a post-war education which gave time and status to Art. She often works on location – observing places with a fresh eye, but equally respond to domestic subjects. Complex arrangements and atmospheric interiors are a fascination and I love the ultimate challenge of figures and portraits. Drawing is fundamental to all her work.
Felicity works directly from the subject within a window of time, instinctively selecting what interests me most. She makes drawings and paintings using spontaneous expressive marks, observing carefully – editing intuitively. The subject frequently dictates the medium - she may draw in ink or use watercolours, pastels or oil paints. Studio works are developed from sketchbook drawings or painted studies evoking the essence of a subject. For pastel work she uses mid-toned mountboard or Colourfix papers often underpainting deep tones in watercolour. For oils she enjoys preparing small muslin and gesso panels tinted different colours. Felicity makes etchings derived from her drawings using solar plates.
1950 Born in Kent
1972 Hons. Degree in Education. Bristol University
1972-2000 School Teaching
1998 HNC Fine Art. Arts Institute Bournemouth
2003 Elected member of the Pastel Society
2001 - current Life Drawing Tutor. The Arts University College Bournemouth
2005 - current Art Tutor. West Dean College Chichester
Bournemouth Arts Club
Poole Printmakers