Royal Society of British Artists | Annual Exhibition 2025
- - 10am to 5pm | North, East & West Galleries
Admission £6, Free for Friends of Mall Galleries and under 25s. Concessions available. No booking required.
Read the e-catalogue
The exhibition will reflect the eclectic and progressive nature that has always been the hallmark of our Society.
RBA Annual Exhibition 2025
The RBA Annual Exhibition brings together the Society's members, among the finest artists in the UK and beyond, to showcase their work alongside a selection of works by non-members, which are of the highest quality.
A series of special events will accompany the exhibition, including a celebration of International Women's Day.
Founded in 1823 and granted the 'Royal' prefix in 1887, the RBA has remained one of the world’s premier art societies for more than 200 years.

Special Event | Artist Talk: Joshua Donkor
Saturday 1 March, 2pm
Winner of the RBA Rome Scholarship 2024, Joshua will talk about his journey as an artist, including to The Eternal City.
Joshua Donkor (b. 1997, UK) is a Ghanian-British painter whose work uses portraiture as a tool to subvert monolithic portrayals of Black identity.
The gallery’s Sales Director, Addi Aegisdottir, will ask Joshua about his own practice, advice for other artists, and invite questions from the audience.
Free with admission, booking required.
Special Event | Dancing in the Dark
Wednesday 5 March, 6pm
Dancing in the Dark; a War Artist's Journey
An evening lecture by award-winning artist Arabella Dorman, whose work explores the realities of modern conflict, its immediate impacts and long-term consequences, and the light that can be born out of the darkness of war.
Tickets £25, early booking is advised.
Special Event | International Women's Day
Saturday 8 March, 11am to 5pm
Celebrate International Women's Day at Mall Galleries!
Free with admission, no booking required.
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To receive free admission to the exhibition for you and a guest, an invitation to the Private View, plus other benefits, join as a Friend of Mall Galleries.